Back Pain

An image of someone suffering with Lumbar Spine Spondylosis

Lumbar Spine Spondylosis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Until receiving a diagnosis, you may have never heard of the term Lumbar Spine Spondylosis, nor know what it means. The following article explores lumbar spine spondylosis in greater depth, offering you information on the symptoms, causes and treatment of the problem. Hopefully, this article will answer all of your questions about lumbar spine spondylosis.

Lumbar Spine Spondylosis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Read More »

omega 3 supplement for sciatica

The Supplement That May Be Better Than Pain Killers for Sciatica

Most of our clients are extremely health conscious and HATE to take pain killers. They will look for alternatives to prescription medication whenever they can, knowing that natural methods are often as effective and less harmful than the drugs handed out by their doctor. Today, we are going to talk about a “super-food” supplement with

The Supplement That May Be Better Than Pain Killers for Sciatica Read More »